The Twisted Sister

The Twisted Sister

Meet GoryBelle
Dark and twisted, she is a witch, a spellcaster, she teases you with evil and sin. Her hypnotising beauty will entice you into selling your soul.

2 Sisters, 2 witches.
Adorabelle and Gorybelle
Adorabelle, sweetness and light, the pretty, seemingly confident, friend to everyone.
Except her sister.
She had deep hatred for her sister, her Twisted Sister. Little did she know that setting out to destroy her would be her undoing.

She thought Death
Agonising Death, would put her hunger to execute her sister to rest.

She brought in the man who would realise her dream for her. Mikael. The man whom she had stolen from Gorybelle.
He raises from his bed.
Adorabelle fades away into the mist,
Unseen to the cast of the scenes unfolding before her.
Her final act in the play was setting Mikael out to write the ending. But, it was just the beginning.

Does death make you shiver?
He whispers,

Mikael, what have you done to me?
You bring me a black cloud of betrayal and our memories diminished.

Once we drank of innocence, hand in hand, untainted.
Your thirst has soured my love.

The clouded vision of his face darkens
Drops of blood follow pain, follows bitterness,
Her life condemned.
In a haze of tears, she whispers.
I condemn you.

As the cry of her sorrow fades
Gorybelle awakens.
Mist shrouds her ethereal beauty
Her brooding desire burns. Her
raven hair cascades over translucent shoulders,
and her full scarlet lips part to taste the essence streaming from the weakened flesh beneath her.
Filled with new life, the twisted sister embraces her dark side..

Adorabelle Boutique was my first store.
Sooo many stores popped up, each identical to the ones before and after, I was supplying on demand, on trend, but my passion was always gothic and dark. So I followed my dream, I made the difficult decision of closing Adorabelle and bringing Gorybelle to life.
It is due to ill health and disability I made the decision to gift the store to someone who has the same love and passion and drive to take the store further, Lisha is the strength that carried me as far as I could physically go and made her the perfect choice to adopt Gorybelle.
I am in retirement and crafting my passions, and I am beside Lishas side as long as she needs me xx

My group on Facebook is Stop by for a Wee Spell (Twisted.Sisters.2020)

Love & Light

J xĀ 

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